Shri Hari Stotram & Lyrics in Sanskrit and English (with Meaning)

Shri Hari Strotam

The Shri Hari Stotram is a devotional hymn dedicated to Lord Hari, another name for Lord Vishnu, the preserver and protector in the Hindu trinity. This stotra is revered for its powerful verses, which praise Lord Vishnu’s ability to remove sins, protect devotees, and bring peace and well-being to all who chant or remember Him.

The stotra emphasizes that Lord Hari’s grace is available to everyone, even those with impure minds, and highlights His qualities of mercy, protection, and supreme power. It also illustrates how His remembrance alone can burn away sins, much like how fire consumes impurities. Reciting or meditating upon the Shri Hari Stotram is believed to bring spiritual upliftment, protection from misfortunes, and relief from suffering.

Devotees recite this stotra with the belief that Lord Vishnu’s blessings will help them overcome difficulties, cleanse their souls, and attain liberation (moksha). It is commonly recited during prayers and spiritual practices, especially by followers of Vishnu and his avatars like Krishna and Rama.

Shri Hari Stotram in Sanskrit and English (with Meaning)

श्री हरि स्तोत्रम्  


श्रीहरिर्हरति पापानि दुष्टचित्तैरपि स्मृतः।  
अनिच्छयाऽपि संस्पृष्टो दहत्येव हि पावकः॥१॥

English Translation :  
Shrī Harir harati pāpāni duṣṭa-cittair api smṛtaḥ,  
Anicchayā’pi samspṛṣṭo dahaty eva hi pāvakaḥ.  

Meaning in English:  
Lord Hari removes the sins of even those with a corrupt mind when remembered. Like fire that burns regardless of desire, He purifies just by contact.

स हिंस्रान् सिंहवद् दुर्जान् वशीकुरुते सर्वदा।  
दुराचार्यं बलं भिन्द्नोति सत्यं महेश्वरः॥२॥

English Translation:  
Sa hinsrān siṁhavad durjān vaśīkurute sarvadā,  
Durācāryam balaṁ bhindnoti satyaṁ Maheśvaraḥ.  

Meaning in English:  
He conquers the wicked like a lion conquers wild animals. Lord Hari, the Supreme, destroys the power of the evil and unrighteous.

सर्वं हरति यः पापं स्मृतमात्रेण मानवैः।  
तं नमामि हरिं देवं व्याध्यपेध्यं सुखावहम्॥३॥

English Translation:  
Sarvaṁ harati yaḥ pāpaṁ smṛta-mātreṇa mānavaiḥ,  
Taṁ namāmi Hariṁ devaṁ vyādhy-apēdhyam sukhāvaham.  

Meaning in English:  
I bow to Lord Hari, the remover of all sins upon being remembered by humans, the one who brings relief from diseases and bestows happiness.

अनन्तं अव्ययं शक्तं नमामि जगतां पतिम्।  
लोकनाथं नमस्यामि महेशं हरिमादरात्॥४॥

English Translation:  
Anantaṁ avyayaṁ śaktaṁ namāmi jagatām patim,  
Lokanāthaṁ namasyāmi Maheśaṁ Harim-ādarāt.  

Meaning in English:  
I offer my respects to the infinite, imperishable, and powerful Lord, the protector of the universe, Lord Hari, who is revered as the ruler of all worlds.

हरिर्हरति दुःखानि, मनुष्याणां हि च स्मृतः।  
समुद्रतरणे शस्त्रं नामकं ह्येति शत्रुजित्॥५॥

English Translation:  
Harir harati duḥkhāni manuṣyāṇāṁ hi ca smṛtaḥ,  
Samudra-taraṇe śastraṁ nāmakam hyeti śatrujit.  

Meaning in English:  
Lord Hari removes the sorrows of men when they remember Him. Just as a boat helps one cross the ocean, His name helps in conquering enemies and overcoming obstacles.

यत्र यत्र रघुनाथ कीर्तनं तत्र तत्र हरीरयिर्बभूव हि।  
नामकं तं प्रणमामि सर्वदा महेन्द्रसिद्धगणपूज्यं जगत्स्वामी॥६॥

English Translation:  
Yatra yatra Raghunātha kīrtanaṁ tatra tatra harīrayir babhūva hi,  
Nāmakaṁ taṁ praṇamāmi sarvadā Mahendra-siddha-gaṇapūjyaṁ jagat-svāmī.  

Meaning in English:  
Wherever the praises of Lord Raghunath (Rama) are sung, Lord Hari is present. I bow down to Him always, the Lord of the universe, worshipped by Indra and other divine beings.

May the constant
remembrance of Lord Hari bring peace, remove sins, and lead to happiness and
success in life. Jai 🙏