Shiva Purana- Learnings from Verses

Shiv Purana

Here are a few famous verses from the Shiva Purana along with their meanings in both Hindi and English:

1. Verse:  

  “Shivaya Vishnurupaya Shivaya Vishnu Rupine,  
  Shivasya Hridayam Vishnur Vishnushya Hridayam Shivah.”  
  Source: Shiva Purana, 1.23.39

  Meaning in Hindi:  
  “शिव ही विष्णु के रूप में हैं और विष्णु शिव के रूप में हैं। शिव का हृदय विष्णु है और विष्णु का हृदय शिव है।”

  Meaning in English:  
  “Shiva manifests as Vishnu, and Vishnu manifests as Shiva. Shiva resides in the heart of Vishnu, and Vishnu resides in the heart of Shiva.”

2. Verse:  

  “Ekoham Bahusyamiti Prabhavaitu Sthiti Layah,  
  Mamaiva Pasyato Dhyanam Maivashaktim Prakritim Ca.”  
  Source: Shiva Purana, Rudra Samhita, 1.7.19

  Meaning in Hindi:  
  “मैं अकेला हूँ, फिर भी मैंने अनेक रूप धारण किए हैं। सृष्टि, स्थिति, और संहार मेरे ही प्रकट होते रूप हैं। मेरी ही ध्यान, शक्ति, और प्रकृति है।”

  Meaning in English:  
  “I am one, yet I have manifested in many forms. Creation, sustenance, and destruction are all my manifestations. Meditation, power, and nature are all mine.”

3. Verse:  

  “Namo Hiranyabahave Hiranyavarnaya Hiranyaroopaya Hiranyapataye Ambikapataye Umaapataye Pashupataye Namo Namah.”  
  Source: Shiva Purana, Rudra Samhita, 2.3.45

  Meaning in Hindi:  
  “मैं उस स्वर्ण-हस्त, स्वर्णवर्ण, स्वर्णरूप, स्वर्णस्वामी, अम्बिकापति, उमा के पति, पशुपति को बार-बार नमस्कार करता हूँ।”

  Meaning in English:  
  “I repeatedly bow to the golden-armed, golden-hued, golden-formed, and golden-lord, who is the lord of Ambika, the husband of Uma, and the lord of all creatures.”

4. Verse:  

  “Gangadharam Mahadevam Lokanam Hitakarinam,  
  Kshipram Sarvavinaashaaya Kalikaalayakaarinam.”  
  Source: Shiva Purana, Rudra Samhita, 2.4.23

  Meaning in Hindi:  
  “गंगा को धारण करने वाले, महादेव, जो सभी लोकों के हित के लिए हैं, जो शीघ्र ही सभी बुराइयों का नाश करते हैं, उन्हें प्रणाम है।”

  Meaning in English:  
  “I bow to Mahadeva, who holds the Ganga, who is the benefactor of all worlds, and who swiftly destroys all evil.”

These verses from the Shiva Purana highlight the glory, power, and benevolent nature of Lord Shiva, as well as his unity with other deities and his role in the cosmic functions of creation, preservation, and destruction.

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